Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bits and bobs

Here's some recent sketching. Some of it's just random stuff but there's a few ideas I had for a 2000ad cover a while back. I did the colouring on a David Roach strip and was going to ask if I could do a cover for it. In the end I ran out of time.


Taberna Cast said...

Your drawings are spectacular!
Can you just tell me how do you do to make the pictures be so wide and have the option of seeing them bigger when double click on?

And I would be very honored if you visited my own blog (i´m starting...).
Keep it up.

dylan said...

Thanks Tigas.

I just upload the pics via blogger. You can choose how big they'll be on the page when uploading. The size they are when you double click depends on the size of the original file. I usually save them at 100dpi and the size they were drawn at.

TLE said...

Hi Dylan--
Thanks for introducing me to your blog. You've got some great drawings here. I especially like your women sketches. The faces feel a bit like Jim Holdaway.